How to Save the Day if Your Power Goes Out Over the Holidays

Imagine you have spent weeks preparing a perfect family celebration for the Holidays. Your guests will be arriving soon, and you're still cooking. Suddenly, and quite unexpectantly, the electricity goes out. What do you do? What is your plan now? 

We have a great, and affordable solution, a Portable Power Generator from Natural Disaster Survival Products.  

Unlike gas powered generators, our line of portable power generators are completely safe. They require no gas, give off no deadly fumes and can be used indoors. You can plug in your refrigerator, or other appliances that you need to finish you meal. Best of all, you can recharge your portable power generator with solar panels!

Check out the chart below to see all that your portable power generator from Natural Disaster Survival Products can do:

PowerHouse Two SKA line of portable power generators save thanksgiving.

Our portable power generators from PowerHouse Two deliver reliable power without fuel by using lithium ion batteries. We sell generators with various output capacities. Find the one that will fill your power needs and your budget.

If you are looking for a safe, fume free way to power your home through your transfer switch, look at the waterproof Dynayak Portable Power Generators. With a 3000 W  output, you can run you most needed appliances, and recharge the machine with solar panels! A great way to take the pain out of a blackout. 

Keep your lights on with our JackonLux rechargeable lightbulbs. They will keep your lamps lit without needing to be connected to a power supply. Once the power goes out, these bulbs will seamlessly turn on. JackonLux rechargeable lightbulbs are far superior to running around looking for candles and flashlights.

Even if the electricity stays on, you can save the day with a Wall Mountable Fire Blanket. Kitchen fires can destroy more than a holiday, they can destroy your house! Make sure you have a Fire Blanket near any potential source of a fire. 

In short, holidays can be ruined by not being prepared. Listen to our advice, and be the hero should things go awry during your holiday. As always, you can call a Natural Disaster Survival Products representative at (888) 877-3475 for information and advice.

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